AnticipateU Academy

Life is supposed to be awesome and fun, and it definitely can be, if its planned that way. Having a good time doesn’t translate to being careless. In fact, being proactive about your plans, goals, and decisions will give you the freedom and ease to enjoy yourself more in the present, knowing that your future is already sorted out.

Don’t wait… Anticipate!

AnticipateU Academy is an organization designed to inspire you and get you thinking about what’s out there. It’s never too early or too late to sort out all of the opportunities and dream big. The sooner that you know what you want in life, or might want, the more you can prepare for it and be certain about your path. Whether you’re thinking about college, your career, or family planning AnticipateU is here to help.

The best thing about planning ahead is that you are able to use informed decisions to change your plans rather than be tossed around by whatever life throws at you. Be prepared for your future, anticipate any missteps or wrong turns, and then do what it takes to get there. Everyone wants to be successful and the sooner you start setting out your goals, the more successful you’ll be.

There’s no reason to fret about things that haven’t happened yet, especially when you have an idea of what’s coming. Be proactive and secure; think ahead! Without the stress of worrying about tomorrow, you can live it up in the present and enjoy today. Look at resources, jobs, colleges, and successful profiles to be informed. Every person and case is different but you can learn from people who have already been in your shoes and make the most of every opportunity and resource.

AnticipateU wants you to get started, so don’t wait… Anticipate!